Chocolate, Brown Sugar
Easy like Sunday morning, every morning. Count on Necessary's normcore-titled "Blend" blend to be your consistent daily metronome to the ins and outs of life, no matter how you like to brew. A rotating roster of seasonal coffees are selected and roasted to achieve one admirable flavor goal: Chocolate. Sound like a plan?
Coffee info
B Corp
South America
Roaster notes
Our Colombian coffee is comprised of smallholder lots, delivered by farmers who belong to a number of associations located in Huila, Colombia. The coffees that make up this single origin blend must meet rigorous physical characteristics and deliver a consistent flavor profile which, when roasted to this degree, taste rich and smooth like toasted nuts and chocolate. The farmers we work with in Colombia are paid a healthy premium in recognition of their efforts.

They say that one question was asked over and over by farmers and exporters during their travels: "What will it take for you to buy more of my crop?" The answer was, this! A roastery aiming to bridge the gap between prices paid for ultra-premium boutique lots and the vast majority of coffee from any given harvest. By doing so, Necessary Coffee are making good quality approachable for everyday enjoyment, and ensuring viable business for producers.