Jackalope Decaf
Citrus, Malted Milk, Walnut
Drinking coffee for the buzz is like eating to get full. Where's the joy in that? Cuvée takes all the delicious flavors of malt, roasted walnuts and fruits folks love in a Colombian single origin and offers them purely for a comforting flavor experience, thanks to the natural decaffeination process.
Coffee info
Direct Trade
1700 - 2000 ft
South America
Roaster notes
The Jackalope is a legendary creature in the South described as a jackrabbit with antelope horns. Like the animal hybrid, our decaf coffee also brings together two unexpected characteristics: the great taste of coffee and no caffeine. Using a natural decaffeination process, we preserve the wonderful flavors of the coffee while allowing you to get a little more sleep at night.

Cuvée coffee started tinkering with the status-quo in 1998, when they began building their own direct trade network to ensure consistent access to high-quality coffee. From there they built a world-class lab in Austin, TX, where their roasting craft was honed to enhance each unique coffee to the best of its potential. Fast forward to now, Cuvee is constantly searching for the best coffees from around the world. Their Direct Trade model is a signature of dedication to ensure direct relationships with growing partners and a commitment to pay fair prices as they cultivate sustainability.